Impact of Covid19 on recruitment and evolution of industry post-pandemic

This article was posted by Divya Mishra on August 17, 2020, 9:31 pm. The article is categorized under: Impact of COVID-19 on recruitment Post pandemic industry
No single person is unaware of the pandemic, the world is facing right now. It has been causing a big impact on people and their lives. People are suffering badly due to one or the other crises happening one after the other. And one among them is unemployment as well, too many people lost their jobs and too many are on the verge of losing it. Being job seekers, it's essential for everyone to know the impact of COVID-19 on the recruitment process and how the post-pandemic industry would be like. So let's have an overview of what has changed, and what may change further due to COVID-19.

Covid-19 has affected all kinds of industries and the post-pandemic industry will certainly bear the after-effects. There's certainly a huge impact of COVID-19 on recruitment as well. Either a firm is in need of employees or a firm cannot pay their employee and has to lay them off. The following are some of the major impacts.

All the work is now done from home. The idea of avoiding physical contact or meetings, to keep away from the spread of coronavirus, is the whole agenda behind work from home. And amidst all this, the recruitment process has to be taken into consideration. The recruiters cannot schedule an in-office meeting. The impact of COVID-19 on recruitment has further convinced the industry that the processes in recruiting have to be taken up virtually. The industry has started opting for video interviews and has started taking the support of artificial intelligence to make the work more streamlined and easy.

Face to face interviews will always remain essential to test the behavior and language of the body. The attitude, the social skills of a person determines a lot about their work. And this will result in a major drawback in hiring the right candidate. This is going to create a massive change in the recruitment process.

Some of the businesses that are open in the pandemic have started seeing a need for more workers, such as pharmaceuticals, etc. Whereas many businesses are facing a need to plan layoffs, resulting in a higher unemployment rate. Higher unemployment leads to more applicants for a limited number of job opportunities which makes it difficult for the recruiter to manage the crowd and that is the major impact of COVID-19 on recruitment.

Coronavirus has caused major unemployment in the past years. Amid the crises, no one wants to take the chance of losing a job and a way to earn money. There are high chances that people will continue to work at the same firm without having a thought to try for another position and only take care of their job security. Nobody wants to impact their job by the impact of COVID-19 on recruitment.
The onboarding process, now cannot take place in a similar way, like that of the pre-pandemic situation. Onboards will mostly take place virtually, processes like induction, introduction to the team, cannot happen face to face. A face to face induction and interaction is always more beneficial to open up to the team and work accordingly.

With the changing times, the recruitment industry has no other go, but to change the whole recruitment process and plan a whole new procedure and tactics of hiring the best of the employees for their firms when it comes to the post-pandemic industry. Digital platforms have proven to be the solution to all the questions. Artificial Intelligence may be the new emerging backbone for the recruitment industries in this tough time. AI and machine learning may help to manage the impact of COVID-19 on recruitment and may support the post-pandemic industry.

The post-pandemic industry will see a huge evolution in the work manner. Work from home will be preferred, everything will turn digital. Meetings and even the hiring process will be conducted on virtual platforms. The status of the post-pandemic industry also depends upon the situations, and what turn the pandemic will further take.

We all are an eye witness of the global health pandemic. We understand the concerns of job seekers and applicants from all over the country. A major impact of COVID-19 on recruitment has raised concerns and questions on the post-pandemic industry for which we bring you immense support and guidance through our services. We give way for you to connect to firms across, with the latest of evolutionary tactics, such as video resumes, and soon will build our artificial intelligence product to make the process more convenient to you.
Divya  Mishra
Divya Mishra

I am a 3rd-year student pursuing BA-Journalism, from Presidency College, Bangalore, with a passion for writing. ...