Marketing Internship Experience @ QuantumHunts

This article was posted by Musthak V on November 26, 2021, 9:39 am. The article is categorized under: #marketing #Internship #Virtual
I’ve recently completed my internship with **QUANTUMHUNTS** as a **Marketing Consultant**. I am glad to share my Internship experience.

During the 3 Months as I am pursuing my MBA in Marketing & working alongside with **QUANTUMHUNTS**, it was a great hands on experience. With the concepts I’ve learnt in college & discussing with the team about the strategies to promote** QUANTUMHUNTS** it was worth my time being part of this revolutionary HR Tech Startup. I was very fortunate to have the **CEO** of QUANTUMHUNTS ***Aparna Raghavendran*** as my mentor who guided the path, gave tasks & decided on the best practices that can be implemented from my suggestions. As I am still a student my mentor gave the flexibility in balancing the college & internship.

During my Internship I learnt how to generate leads for events, courses from various sources & how to apply the strategies & concepts learnt towards **QUANTUMHUNTS** products & services. I was also fortunate to host webinar involving students from various colleges.

I thank my Mentor ***Aparna*** & entire team of **QUANTUMHUNTS** for this worthy learning experience in this internship.
Musthak V
Musthak V

A responsible candidate with versatility, innovativeness oriented & highly skilled at working in challenging environments....