Asynchronous Video Interviews

This article was posted by Kamakshi Kalpushu on May 1, 2021, 6:43 pm. The article is categorized under: #AVIs #jobs #interviews
It may not feel remotely natural to sit in front of a computer screen and talk about yourself to an artificial prompt – but that’s exactly what many people could find themselves doing at their next job interview and this kind of interview is known as Asynchronous Interview.
Asynchronous Video Interviews are a form of video interviews wherein the potential recruiter uses a system or a tool, that allows the interviewee to answer pre-established interview questions via recorded video, without a live interviewer in attendance with you.
While you are in for an asynchronous video interview, you’ll receive login instructions for an online portal. You’ll also be provided all the necessary instructions for using the platform efficiently. However, you must have a webcam with you for recording yourself.

Asynchronous interviews have become really popular amongst the recruitment industry, one of the major reasons being the coronavirus outbreak. According to some studies, the use of AVIs has been increased by 67%, amidst the coronavirus outbreak.

In order to understand more about this unique way of video interviews, let us know more about it and how it actually proves to be an efficient way of interviewing.

1. AVIs make sure that your interview is recorded and can be saved by the recruiter for future reference.
2. Interviewee does not actually have to travel to some destination for the interview, this saves much effort and time.
3. Asynchronous video interviewing is convenient for both the hiring organization and the candidate. Simply set up an interview with your most important questions and send out invitations to candidates, they can respond on their own time. This is beneficial for recruiting passive candidates and candidates who are currently employed.
4. Asynchronous video interviewing allows you to make the hiring process more collaborative. Instead of having one hiring manager in charge of screening all of the candidates, you can have more members of your team to review the candidates, provide comments, and give assessments. After reviewing the candidates, your team can decide the top candidates to move to the next round.
5. Asynchronous video interviewing standardizes the recruitment process and allows you to ask all candidates the exact same questions in the same manner. Asynchronous video interviews can also be stored for over a year for record keeping compliance.

Experts say that before pressing the record button, it’s important to plan for questions that could come your way. There’s no room for improvisation or pleasantries during an AVI, and answers need to be efficient and to the point. The model may also allow for consistency across interviews, as every candidate is asked the same questions in the same order with the same amount of time to answer. Companies who are using asynchronous pre-recorded video interviews are typically using them for early-round interviews. They will use in-person or live video interviews for those candidates who make it to the next round.

If you’re thinking of adopting this new method of interview or are having one scheduled in the near future, here are some tips that you must keep in mind-

**Set the Stage- **Ensure a positive environment is portrayed. Make sure your lighting looks good and that your pets, roommates, and family members are not in the room or come through the room.
**Dress well- **The fact how you dress equally mttrs, even if the interview is recorded. It will bhi closely analysed.

**Make it conversational-** Make occasional small gestures that can be seen. Emphasizing tone, pitch, and facial expressions slightly more than you would face to face, and having appropriate pauses where you might normally be getting a reaction or watching the other person ‘process’ your words.

Hope this article helps you to gain a better understanding about AVIs and you nail any such interview coming your way!